Fictional Love

By Rogue Festival (other events)

4 Dates Through Mar 09, 2019

From “Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn” to “As you wish,” depictions of love in fiction have helped form our ideas about romance since time immemorial. On her return to Rogue Festival, award-winning Seattle folk musician Sarah Shay brings a new show of story and song, wryly exploring the relationships in her favorite movies, books, comics, and shows, and the ways they’ve affected her real-life romantic entanglements -- for better and for worse! A keen observer of all manner of modern fiction, Sarah deftly weaves together music, jokes, and stories to inspire in her audiences a new perspective on age-old tales. You'll laugh, you'll cry -- ok, you'll mostly laugh.

And don’t miss a special last-day-of-the-festival Fictional Love Hangover Show on March 9, where Sarah will be joined by her brother, Aaron J. Shay, and her brother-from-another-mother, Strangely, as they invite some of their fringe pals over for fun and unpredictable last hurrah where everyone shares their favorite breakup songs and OTPs.

Mailing Address

710 Van Ness – Ste 187 Fresno CA 93721